The Department of Water Resources & Ocean Engg (Formerly Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics) established in 1960, the Department has earned a good reputation as a centre for academic,research and industrial consulting activities.
Academic programme leading to M.Tech Degree in (i) Marine Structures (MS) (ii) Water Resources Engineering and Management (WREM) and (iii)Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (RS & GIS) and Ph.D. Degree in the broad areas of Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Coastal Engineering and Remote Sensing and GIS Applications are offered. In addition to regular students, candidates sponsored under the Quality Improvement Program (QIP) are admitted to these programs. The Department also contribute significantly to the academic content of the B.Tech. program in Civil Engineering and offers basic Engineering Science & Elective courses to all under-graduate programs. Laboratories with state-of-art equipment, highly qualified faculty and dedicated staff provide an ideal environment for academic and research pursuits.
The Department is well known for its R&D activities as is evident from the large number of completed and ongoing projects funded by external agencies (MHRD, AICTE, MoST, ISRO, INCGW, INCOH, MOEF, MOES, NMPT, INCH etc.), technical papers published in peer-reviewed Journals & Conferences and Doctoral Degrees awarded.
The Department of Water Resources and Ocean Engineering shall strive to be a globally renowned centre known for its academic excellence, professionalism and social commitment. We aim to impart to students high quality technical knowledge, practical skills, leadership qualities, professional ethics and foster creative entrepreneurial skills to enable them to become solution providers in the fields of Water Resources Engineering, Ocean Engineering and Geoinformatics
- Provide an academic environment conducive for high quality education and research, focusing on transfer of knowledge for the benefit society.
- Nurture talent in students and staff to enable them to be leaders in their chosen professions while maintaining the highest level of ethics.
- Promote the spirit of enquiry and innovation amongst students and encourage entrepreneurship of the profession.
- Foster effective interactions and networking with all stake-holders so as to achieve excellence in education, research and outreach activities.
Guided by the Mission of the Institute, the M.Tech (Marine Structures, Water Resources Engineering & Management and Remote Sensing & GIS) programs are committed to transform students into good human beings, responsible citizens and competent professionals. At the time of graduation, it is expected that students will have acquired the following characteristics:
PEO1. Students will be able to apply technical knowledge and management principle in the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of Marine Structures and Water Resouces Engineering and Management while ensuring maximization of economic benefits to society and minimization of damage to ecology and environment.
PEO2. Students are motivated to be life-long learners with spirit of enquiry and zeal to acquire new knowledge and skills leading to advanced degree and/or professional licensure so as to process state-of- the- art professional skills and remain contemporary.
PEO3. Students will have acquired communication, entrepreneurial and other soft- skills which will enable them to work n diverse global environments as leaders and/or team members and constantly contribute to nation building, creation of wealth and employment towards the betterment of society.
PEO4. Students are strongly committed to the highest levels of professional ethics and focus on ensuring quality, adherence to public policy and law, safety, reliability and environmental sustainability in all their professional activities